a complete service to the Construction Industry

38 Parish Lane


London SE20 7LJ


((W)     020 8402 6160

((M)     07812 129553

*   Info@qssse.co.uk

:   www.QSSSE..co.uk      


Quantity Surveying

Project Management

Financial management is obviously crucial but the complexity of modem construction is such that the client can be overwhelmed by the number of consultants and other specialists involved and reporting to him, often in unfamiliar terms. The appointment of a project manager can greatly ease the burden by providing a single link with the construction team. Chartered quantity surveyors are particularly well qualified by training, experience and above all by their overall knowledge of the whole construction industry to act as Project Managers.




Our Services

Preliminary Cost Advice and Feasibility Estimates

From conception we are able to give practical advice on the likely cost of your project, however complicated or unusual. We will recommend the most economical layout, materials and method of construction and assess how long it will take to construct whilst also if necessary giving you costs of options to suit your own particular requirements and layout.

Advising on Contractual Methods

There are numerous contractual methods and Forms of Contract in common use in the Construction Industry today and Chartered Quantity Surveyors are best able to advise on the advantages and disadvantages of each form in relation to any particular project.


Advising on the Selection of Other Consultants

Being in constant contact with numerous firms of Architects, Structural Engineers, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Consultants, interior designers, planning consultants etc., we are able to give objective advice on whether a consultant in a particular field is required or necessary and if so those who are best suited to a particular project.


Advising on Contractor Selection

As with advising on the selection of other consultants we are in everyday contact with numerous sizes and types of contractors and subcontractors each with varying scopes and expertise.

Cost Planning

From our experience and knowledge construction costs of other projects and current market conditions we are able to compile a cost plan which may consist of a series of sections of works on the elements of a building. Each section or element is separately costed and may form the basis of decisions on options.

Preparing Tender Documents

Tender documents may be in the form of Bills of Quantities which are prepared in accordance with the standard methods of measurement where each quantified item can be priced to include all labour, materials plant, overheads costs and profit or in the form of Specifications. Each include materials and workmanship preambles, preliminaries details and the Client's standard and particular contractual requirements.


Reporting on Tenders Received or Package Deal/Design and Build Offers

On receipt of tenders we check the priced build ups arithmetically and technically and report on any unusual pricing or omissions.


Package deal or design and build offers are sometimes sought by Clients and we can report on these whilst also checking the Client is being offered everything he requires and he is aware of "loopholes" which may arise to future increases in costs or an exceeding of the project budget. Package deals and design and build offers are also not necessarily on a comparable basis and we can advise on the relevant construction economies.


Valuing Construction Work

During the course of a contract we are able to value any variation which may arise using our experience and notations and/or final accounts for or with employers, contractors and sub-contract knowledge of current rates and prices. Throughout and following completion of a contract we are able to measure, value and agree interim valuations,

Periodic Financial Reporting

Throughout a contract we report periodically on the estimated final cost overall in a form which shows the Client where monies have been saved and where additional monies have or will require to be spent. The costs of individual items can also be presented prior to decisions being required or options costed and reported thereon.

Technical Auditing

Chartered Quantity Surveyors are able to technically audit accounts submitted by contractors and/or subcontractors.


Architecture & Design Services

We provide friendly, professional architectural advice to anyone who may be considering a building project. We believe that no matter how small or big your project is, it is important and deserves the highest level of professional service.

Typical services are as listed (all can be commissioned separately to suit your project):

· Appraisal - understanding your requirements and getting background information.

· Briefing - agreeing your requirements.

· Outline Proposals - sketching out some ideas with approximate costings.

· Detailed Proposals - drawing up your preferred scheme, advising of approximate

costings and submitting a planning application.

· Final Proposals - adding detail of construction methods to planning drawings, advising of approximate costings and submitting building regulations application.

· Production Information - preparing technical information in order to seek firm tenders for your project.

· Tender Documentation - putting together a tender document package and agreeing with you who to invite to price your project.

· Tender Action - managing the tender process on your behalf, including advising you as to contractor selection.

· Mobilisation - assisting you and the contractor in ensuring that arrangements are acceptable for the build and that there is enough information.

· Construction to Practical Completion - Supervising the works on your behalf, advising as to payments, providing information when required.

· After Practical Completion - inspecting the completed project and identifying defects or snagging, resolving defects and snagging, settle final account on your behalf.